Liste des développeurs-
- -
- 10tacle Studios
- 11 bit studios
- 1985 Alternativo
- 1C Entertainment
- 1CC Games
- 1P2P
- 1st Playable Productions
- 2015, Inc.
- 24Frame
- 2Awesome Studio
- 2D Boy
- 2K China
- 2K Czech
- 2K Games
- 2K Sports
- 2XL Games
- 3000AD, Inc.
- 343 Industries
- 34BigThings
- 3909
- 3D Realms
- 3d6 Games
- 3DO Company
- 3goo
- 40 Giants Entertainment
- 49 Games
- 4A Games
- 4J Studios
- 5pb
- 5th cell
- 6 Eyes Studio
- 64WD Corporation
- 7 Studios
- 7FH
- 7th Level
- 7th Sense s.r.l.
- 9003
- 989 studios
- A Crowd of Monsters
- A-Max
- A-Wave
- Abacus
- Abel
- Abersolft
- Absolute Entertainment
- Abstraction Games
- Abyss Game
- Access Games
- Access Software
- Acclaim
- Accolade
- Acid
- ACME Interactive
- Acot
- Acquire
- Action Forms
- Activ Pub
- Active Gaming Media
- Activision
- Acttil Inc.
- Actual Entertainment
- Adeline Software
- Adrenalin Entertainment
- Adrenium Games
- Advanced Productions
- Advantec
- Adventuresoft
- Aeternum Game Studios
- Aetherbyte Studios
- Affect
- Affordable Acquisition
- Agatsuma Entertainment
- Agenda
- AI
- AI Factory
- Aicom
- Airship Syndicate Entertainment
- Airtight Games
- Aisystem Tokyo
- Ajinomoto
- Akella
- Aki Corp.
- Alawar Entertainment, Inc
- Alcatraz Production
- Alchemist
- Alexandria Incorporated
- Alfa System
- Alien Pixel Studios
- All in Games
- Alligata Software
- Allumer
- Almanic Corp.
- Alpha Unit
- Alphadream Corporation
- Alpine Studios
- Altar Games
- Alternative Software
- Althi
- Altron
- AM3
- AMA Studios
- Amanita Design
- Amaze Entertainment
- Amazing Studios
- Ambrella
- Amedio
- American Eagle Software
- American Game Cartridges
- American Laser Games
- Amplitude Studios
- Amtex
- Amusement Vision (SEGA AM4)
- Amuze
- Anchor
- Ancient
- Anco Games
- Andamiro
- AndNow Interactive
- Andrade Games
- Andromeda Software
- Angel Studios
- Angry Mob Games
- Anima Project
- Animation Magic
- AnimuGame
- Another
- Anshar Studios
- Antab Studio
- Anuman Interactive SA
- AOne Games
- Aorn
- Apache Software
- Ape Studio
- Apex Designs
- APh Technological Consulting
- Aplus Co., Ltd.
- Apollo
- Appaloosa
- Appeal
- Applava
- AQ Interactive
- Aqua Pacific
- Aqua Systems
- Aquaplus
- Aquiris Game Studio
- Aquria
- Arc Developments
- Arc Entertainment
- Arc System Works
- Arcade Distillery
- Arcade Zone
- Archer MacLean
- Arena Entertainment
- ArenaNet
- Argonaut Software
- Argus Press Software
- Ariadne
- Arika
- Ariolasoft
- Arkane Studios
- Arkedo
- Armature Studio
- Aroma
- Arowana
- Arrowhead
- Arrowiz
- Arsys Software Inc.
- Art Co., Ltd
- Artdink Corporation
- Arte Piazza
- Artech Studios
- Artefacts Studio
- Artematica
- ArtGame
- Artifex Mundi
- Artificial Mind & Movement
- Artificial Studios
- Artisan Studios
- Artoon
- Artronic Limited
- Aruh Publishing
- Aruze
- Arxel Tribe
- Arzest
- Ascaron Entertainment
- Ascension Dream
- Asia Soft Lab
- Ask Kodansha
- Asmik Ace Entertainment
- Asobo Studio
- Aspect
- Aspyr Media
- Asteroid Base
- Astro Port
- Astroll
- Astros Productions
- Astrovision
- Asylum Entertainment
- Asymmetric Publications
- Atari
- Atelier Double
- Atelier Mimina
- Atelier-Sai
- Athena
- Athletic Design
- Atlantis Interactive Entertainment
- Atlas
- Atod AB
- Atomic Games
- Atomic Planet
- Atomic Wolf
- Atooi LLC
- Attention To Detail (ATD)
- Audio Visual Magic
- Auran
- Aurogon Shanghai
- Aurora Game Studio
- AurumDust
- Autumn Moon Entertainment
- AV Artisan
- Avalanche Software
- Avalanche Studios
- Avanquest Software
- Avex
- Avit
- AWE Games (AWE Productions)
- Awesome Developments
- Axes Art Amuse
- B.B.Studio
- B.I.T.S.
- Babylon Software
- Backbone Entertainment
- Badland Games
- Baisu
- Balio Studio
- BAM! Studios Europe
- Banalex
- Banana Bytes
- Bandai
- Bandai Namco Games
- Banpresto
- Bare Entertainment
- Barking Dog Studios
- Barking Lizards
- Barnhouse Effect
- Baroque Decay
- Be-On Works
- Beam Entertainment
- Beam Software
- Beamdog
- Beatshapers
- Beau-Jolly
- Beautiful Game Studios
- Beenox Studio
- Beep Industries
- BeeWorks
- Behaviour Interactive
- Belisa
- Bell Corporation
- Belle Productions
- Beluga Software
- Benjamin Rivers
- Berzerk Studio
- Best Media
- Best Way
- Bethesda Softworks inc.
- Betop
- Beyond Games
- Beyond Reality
- Bidulus Rex
- Big Ant Studios
- Big Ape
- Big Blue Box
- Big Blue Bubble Inc.
- Big Club
- Big Deez Productions
- Big Evil Corporation
- Big Five Software
- Big Huge Games
- Big John Games
- Big Sky Interactive
- Big West
- Bigbig Studios
- BillyGoat Entertainment Ltd
- Bimboosoft
- Binary Design
- Bing Bang Software
- Bink Video
- Biodroid Entertainment
- Bionic Games
- BioWare Corp
- Biox
- BIP Media
- Bird Bath Games
- Birdy Soft
- Birthday
- Bit Corporation
- Bit Managers
- Bit Planet Games, LLC
- bitComposer
- Bitmap Brothers
- Bitmap Bureau
- Bitmasters
- BITS Corporation
- Bits Laboratory
- Bits of Magic
- Bits Studios
- Bizarre Creations
- Bkom Studios
- Black Bean
- Black Box
- Black Cactus
- Black Forest Games
- Black Hole Entertainment
- Black Isle Studios
- Black Lantern
- Black Matter
- Black Mermaid
- Black Ops Entertainment
- Black Pearl
- Black River Studios
- Black Rock Studio
- BlackMill Games
- Blade Interactive Studios
- Blam!
- Blast! Entertainment
- Blastmode
- Blazing Lizard
- Bleem!
- Blg Publishing
- Bliss Brain
- Blitworks
- Blitz Games
- Blizzard Entertainment
- Bloober Team
- Blue 52
- Blue Byte Software
- Blue Castle Games
- Blue Fang Games
- Blue Monkey Studios
- Blue Omega
- Blue Planet Software
- Blue Shift
- Blue Sky Software
- Blue Sphere
- Blue Tongue Entertainment
- Blue Turtle
- Bluehole, Inc.
- Bluepoint Games
- Blueside studios
- BlueTwelve Studio
- Bohemia Interactive
- Bold Game Studio
- Bombservice
- Bon Treasure
- Bongfish
- Bonus Level Entertainment
- Bonus Mobile Entertainment
- Boomfire Games
- Borta
- Boss Game Studios
- Boss Key Productions, Inc.
- Boston Animation
- Bothtec
- BottleRocket Entertainment
- Bottom Up
- Bounding Box Software Inc.
- Braben & Bell
- Brace Yourself Games
- Brain Grey
- Brain In A Jar
- Brainwash Gang
- Brash Entertainment
- Brave at Night
- BreakAway Games
- BreakFirst Games
- Breakpoint
- Brian A. Rice, Inc.
- Brittanica Software
- Broadsword Interactive
- Broccoli
- Broke Studio
- Broken Rules
- Bromio
- Brownie Brown
- Brownies
- Brøderbund
- Budcat Creations
- Buddiez Inc.
- BudgeCo
- Buena Vista Games
- BUG-Studio
- Bugbear Entertainment
- Buka Entertainment
- Bull's Eye
- Bulldog Software
- Bullet Proof Software
- Bullfrog
- bumblebee
- Bungie Software
- Bunkasha Games
- Bunsoft
- Burst
- Buschmann Studios
- BushiRoad
- Byulbaram Creatures
- C&E, Inc.
- C-lab
- C.P. Brain
- Caged Element
- California Dreams
- Camelot
- Camouflaj, LLC
- Camp California
- Candle Light Studios
- Capcom
- CapDisc
- CAProduction
- Capstone Software
- Capybara Games
- Caramelpot
- Carapace
- Carbon Engine
- Carbon Studio S.A.
- Cardboard Utopia
- Career Soft
- Carrozzeria Japan
- Cascade Games
- Casiopea Wave
- Castle Pixel, LLC
- Cat Daddy Games
- Cat Hui Trading
- Cauldron Ltd.
- Causal Bit Games
- Cave
- Cave Barn
- Cavedog Entertainment
- Cavia
- CBS Electronics
- CD Projekt
- CD Projekt Red
- Celeris
- Celery Software
- Celestial Software
- Cellar Door Games
- Cenega Publishing
- Century City Software
- Cerasus Media
- Certain Affinity
- ChAIR Entertainment Group, LLC
- Channel 42
- Character Soft
- Chat Noir
- Cherry Pop Games
- ChiliDog Interactive
- Chip
- Choice
- Chris Gray Enterprises
- Christophe Galati
- Christophe Gayraud
- Chubby Pixel
- Chucklefish
- Chun Soft
- Cinegroupe
- Cinematix
- Cinemaware
- Cinopt Studios LLC
- Circle Studios
- Circus Freak
- City Connection
- City Interactive
- Clamp
- Clap Hanz
- Clapping Hands
- Click Entertainment
- Climax Entertainment
- Climax Group/Climax Studios
- Clipper
- Clockwork Games
- Clockwork Tortoise
- Clover Studio
- Club DEP
- Coat Sink
- Cobra Soft
- Cobra Team
- Coconuts Japan
- Code Mystics Inc.
- Codemasters
- Codim Interactive Media
- Codo Technologies
- Cokem International
- Coktel Studio
- Coktel Vision
- Cold Iron Studios
- Coldwood Interactive
- Collectorvision
- Collision Studios
- Color Dreams
- Colossal Order
- Comcept
- Commentout
- Commodore
- Compile
- Compile Heart
- Compulsion Games
- Computer ArtWorks
- Concept Animation
- Confounding Factor
- Conspiracy Entertainment Corporation
- Contrail
- Cooking Mama Limited
- Coolhand Interactive
- Cope-Com
- Copya System Ltd
- Core
- Coresoft
- Cornfox & Bros.
- CosmiKankei
- Counterplay Games
- Coyote Console
- Coyote Developments
- Cradle Games
- Crafts & Meister
- Cranky Pants
- Crave Entertainment
- Crawfish Interactive
- Crazy Games
- CrazyBunch
- Cream
- Creat Studios
- Creative Assembly
- Creative Capers Entertainment
- Creative Edge Software
- Creative Materials
- Creative Multimedia Corporation
- Creature Labs
- Creatures Inc.
- Creazn Studio
- Crescent Moon Games
- CreSpirit
- Crimson
- Criterion
- CRL Group PLC
- Crosstalk
- Croteam
- Crows Crows Crows
- Cryo Interactive
- Cryptic Allusion
- Cryptic Studios
- Crypton Future Media
- Crystal Dynamics
- Crytek
- CT Media
- CTA Developments
- Cubetype
- Culture Brain
- Culture Publishers
- Cunning Developments
- Curious Pictures
- Curly Monsters
- Cyan
- Cyanide
- CyberConnect2
- Cyberdreams
- CyberFront
- Cyberlife Technology, Ltd.
- Cyclone Studios
- Cyclone System
- Cypron Studios
- D-cruise
- D-Pad Studio
- D3 Publisher
- d3m Software
- D3t
- Dactar
- Daedalic Entertainment
- Daft
- Daikoku
- Dan Kitchen
- Dancing Dots
- DANGEN Entertainment
- Danger Productions
- Dark Technologies
- Darkblack
- Darkworks
- Data Design Interactive
- Data East Corp.
- Data West
- Datam Polystar
- Datasoft
- Datel
- Datt Japan
- Davilex
- Day 1 Studios
- Days of Wonder
- Dazz
- DC Studios
- Deadline Games
- Deck 13
- Deck Nine Games
- Deep Fried Entertainment
- Deep Red
- Deep Shadows
- Deep Silver
- DeepSpace
- DeerFarm
- Dehongames
- Deibus
- Deisling & Rider GbR
- Delphine Software
- Den'Z
- Denki
- Dennaton
- Denshi Media Services
- Denton Designs
- Derek Brewster
- Designer Software
- DesignLeader
- Destination Software Inc.
- Destineer Studios
- Destiny Media Technologies
- Detalion
- Devespresso Games
- Diamond Head
- Dice
- DigiCube
- DigiRed
- Digital Anvil
- Digital Bards
- Digital Bros
- Digital Dream
- Digital Eclipse
- Digital Embryo
- Digital Extremes
- Digital Fantasia
- Digital Fiction
- Digital Illusions
- Digital Image Design
- Digital Integration
- Digital Jesters
- Digital Legends Entertainment
- Digital Leisure inc.
- Digital Mayhem
- Digital Pictures
- Digital Reality
- Digital Sun
- Digitalogue
- DigitalWare
- Digixart Entertainment
- Dimps
- Dinamic Software
- Dingo
- Dini and Dini Productions
- Discord Games
- Discovery Software Intl
- Disney Interactive
- Distinctive Software
- Divers
- Divide by Zero
- Division2
- Dlala Studios
- DMA Design
- DMM Games
- Doinksoft
- Doki Denki Studios
- Dolores Entertainment
- DoMark
- Domesticated Ants
- Don Bluth Ltd.
- DONTNOD Entertainment
- Doragon Entertainment
- Dorart
- Dorasu
- DotEmu
- Double Fine
- Double Helix Games
- Double Moose Games
- Dovetail Games
- Dracue
- Dragami Games
- Dragonstone Software
- Dreadlocks
- Dream Factory
- Dream On Studio
- DreamForge Intertainment
- Dreams Uncorporated
- DreamWorks Interactive
- DrinkBox Studios
- Drool LLC
- Dual
- Dumb and Fat Games
- Dume Games Studio
- Duranik
- Durell Software Ltd
- Dyna Corporation
- Dynafield Systems International
- Dynamic Planning
- Dynamic Systems Ltd.
- Dynamix
- EA Phenomic
- EA Sports
- EA Sports Big
- Eagle Dynamics
- Eaglevision Interactive Productions
- Earthly Soft
- EastAsia Soft
- EastAsiaSoft
- Eastpoint
- Easy Interactive
- Easy Trigger Games
- Eat Sleep Play
- Eclipse Games
- Eclipse Software Design
- Ecole
- Ecseco
- Ed Magnin and Associates
- Edelweiss
- Edelweiss Medienwerkstatt GmbH
- Eden Entertainment Software
- Eden Studios
- Edge Of Reality
- Edia Co.
- Eidetic
- Eidos Interactive
- Eighting
- EJ Corporation
- Eko
- Elcom
- Elden Pixels
- Electric Dreams
- Electronic Arts (EA Games)
- Electronic Arts Victor
- Electronics Application
- ELF Corporation
- Elite
- Elixir Studios
- Elo Interactive Media
- ELOI Productions
- Ematek
- Ember Lab
- Empire Interactive
- Encore Software
- Engine Software
- Engineering Animation, Inc. (EAI)
- English Software
- Enhance Games
- Enigma Variations
- Enix
- Enjoy Gaming
- EnjoyUp
- Enlight Software Ltd.
- Ensemble Studios
- Enterbrain
- Entersphere, Inc.
- Entertainment USA
- Eolith
- Eon Digital Entertainment
- Epic Games
- Epoch
- Epos Game Studios
- Epyx
- Equilibrium
- ERE Informatique
- Ertain
- Essential Games
- Etranges Libellules
- Eugen Systems
- Euphoria
- Eurocom
- EuroVideo Medien
- Eutechnyx
- Evoga
- Evolution Studios
- Exact
- Examu
- Excite Software
- Exidy
- Exient Entertainment
- Exortus
- Exozet Games
- Experience Inc.
- Experiment 101
- Explainer Interactive
- ExpressionTools.Inc
- EZ Soft
- F&C
- Face
- Facepunch
- Factor 5
- Fairytale
- FAKT Software
- Falcom
- Falcon
- Fallen Tree Games
- Family Soft
- Fanoos Games
- FarSight Studios
- Fasa Interactive
- Fasa Studio
- Fathammer
- Fathom Pictures
- Fatshark AB
- Feelplus
- Felistella
- Feral Interactive
- Fiddlesticks Games
- Field
- Fill In Cafe
- Final Form Games
- Final Strike Games
- Finji
- FiolaSoft Studio
- Firaxis
- Firebird
- Firebrand Games
- FireFly Studios
- Fireglow Games
- Firesprite
- First Contact Entertainment
- First Star Software, Inc.
- Fishing Cactus
- Fishing Planet
- Flagship
- Flair Software
- Flashbulb Games
- Flight Plan
- Fluid Studios
- Flux Game Studio
- Flying Carpets Games
- Flying Edge
- Flying Oak Games
- Flying Tiger Development
- Flying Wild Hog
- Forever Entertainment
- Formula
- Formula Game Development
- Forty Five
- Fountainhead Entertainment
- Four Winds
- Fourth View
- Fox Interactive
- Foxbat
- Frame Studios
- FreakZone
- Free Fall Games
- Free Lives
- Free Radical
- Freedom Factory Studios
- FreeStyleGames
- Freestylez
- Fresh 3D
- Fresh Games
- Frima Studio
- Frogwares
- From Software
- Front Street Publishing
- Front Wing
- Frontier Development
- Frontline Studios
- Frozen District
- Frozen Utopia
- Frozenbyte
- Fuji TV
- Fujicom
- Full Fat
- FUN Labs
- Funatics Software
- Funcom
- Funktronic Labs
- Funtech
- Furyu Corporation
- Futura
- Future Creates
- Future Games
- Future Pirates
- Futurlab
- FZ Media
- G-Artists
- G-Craft
- G. Revolution
- G3 Interactive
- Gaga
- Gaia
- Gaibrain
- Gaijin Entertainment
- Gainax
- Gakken Co., Ltd
- Gakuman
- GalaxyTrail
- Game Arts
- Game Brains
- Game Design Sweden AB
- Game Factory
- Game Freak Inc.
- Game Machine Studios
- Game Over
- Game Refuge
- Game Republic
- Game Studio Inc.
- Gameinvest
- Gameloft
- GameMill
- Gamepark
- Gamerholix
- Games Farm
- Games Machine Ltd.
- GameSauce
- Gamesquad
- GameTek
- Gaming Minds Studios
- Gamtec
- Gang of Five
- Gaps
- Garakuta Studio
- Garden
- Gas Powered Games
- Gather & Fly
- Gau Entertainment
- Gavaking
- GearBox
- Gearhead Entertainment
- Gears for Breakfast
- Geeks-Line
- Gem International
- Gene Pool Software
- General Computer Corporation
- General Electric
- General Entertainment
- GeneX Co., Ltd.
- Genius Sonority
- Genki
- Genuine Games
- Gevo Entertainment
- GGS Studio Creation
- Ghost Games
- Ghost Town Games
- Giants Software
- Giga
- Gimagin
- Givro
- Gizmondo Studios
- Glams
- Glass Ghost
- Glass Revolver
- Global A
- Gloomywood
- GlyphX Inc.
- Go!
- Goloso Games
- Good-Feel
- Gorilla Systems
- Goshow
- Gottlieb
- Graftgold
- Grandprix
- Granite Bay Software
- Granzella
- Graphic Research
- Graphic State Games
- Grasshopper Manufacture
- Gratuitous Games
- Graven Visual Novels
- Gravity-I
- Gray Matter
- Gray Matter Studios
- Gremlin Interactive
- Grezzo
- Grimorio of Games
- Grip Digital
- Griptonite Games
- Group SNE
- GSC Game World
- GT Interactive
- GTE Interactive Media
- Gu Inc.
- Guerilla
- Gulti
- Gunfire Games
- GungHo
- Gunnar Games
- GuruGuru
- Gust
- Gusto Games
- h.a.n.d. Inc.
- H2O Entertainment
- Hachette
- Hackers International
- Haemimont
- Haiku Studios
- Hailstorm Games
- Hakuhodo
- Hal Laboratory
- Halestorm
- Halfbrick Studios
- Hamlet
- Hammerhead
- Hammond & Leyland
- Hamster
- Hand Made Software
- Handheld Games
- HandMade Game
- HandyGames
- Hangar 13
- Hanimex
- Happymeal Inc.
- HarmlessLion
- Harmonix Music Systems
- Hasbro
- Hazelight Studios
- HB Studios
- Headfirst
- Headgames
- Headgate
- Headstrong Games
- Headup Games
- Hearty Robin
- Heavy Iron Studios
- Hect
- Heliogame
- Heliovisions Productions
- Helixe
- Hellbent Games
- Hello Games
- Hello There Games
- Hero Concept
- HES (Home Entertainment Suppliers)
- Hewson Consultants Ltd.
- HI Corporation
- HI Tech Expressions
- Hibernian Workshop
- Hidden Floor
- Hidden Trap
- High Impact Games
- High Moon Studios
- High Score Productions
- High Voltage Software
- Highwaystar
- Hijinx Studios
- Hikari-Pro
- Hinterland
- historia Inc
- Hit Maker
- Hitmaker (SEGA AM3)
- Hitmen Productions
- Hokus Pokus
- Home Data
- Honey Parade Games
- Hookstone
- Hoplite Research
- Hopoo Games
- Hot-B USA
- HotGen
- Hothouse
- HotStage
- House House
- House of Tales
- Housemarque
- Hozer Video
- Hucast
- & KonTechs Ltd
- Hudson Soft
- Humagade
- Human Entertainment
- Human Head Studios
- Humanature Studios
- HumanSoft
- Humble Hearts
- Humming Bird Soft
- Humongous Entertainment
- HuneX
- Hunt Valley Development Studio
- Hyde
- Hydravision
- Hyper Image
- Hyper-Devbox
- HyperBole Studios
- Hyperspace Cowgirls
- Hyperware
- Hypnotix
- I-Imagine Interactive
- I.S.C. Co., Ltd.
- Ice Flames
- Iceflake Studios
- ICOM Simulations
- Icon Design Ltd.
- ID Software
- Idea Factory
- Idea-Tek
- Ideaworks3D
- IDL Group
- Idol Minds
- idoz & phops
- Ignition Entertainment
- Igor Rashkuev
- Iguana Entertainment
- Ikos
- ILCA, Inc.
- IllFonic
- Illusion Softworks
- Illusions Gaming Company
- ILMxLab
- Ima Company
- Imadio
- Image & Form Games
- Image Epoch
- Image Space Incorporated
- Image Works
- ImageBuilder Software
- Images Design
- Imagesoft
- Imagic
- Imagine Software
- Imagineer
- Imagineering Inc.
- ImaginEngine
- Imagitec Design
- Impact Software Development, Ltd.
- Impressions
- In Utero
- In Visio
- In Vitro Games
- Incinerator Studios
- Incognito
- Incredible Technologies
- Increment p
- Independent Arts Software
- Indescomp
- index+
- Indie Built
- Indies Zero
- Indy Games
- Inevitable Entertainment
- Infernal Byte Systems
- Infini Entertainment Technology
- Infinite Interactive
- Infinite Machine
- Infinity ward
- Infogrames
- Infomedia
- Infuse Studios
- ININ Games
- INiS
- Inland Productions
- InLight Entertainment
- Innerloop
- Innerprise Software
- InnerSloth
- Insomniac
- Intarus
- Intec
- Intelligent Games, Ltd.
- Intelligent Systems
- Intelliplay
- Intense
- Interactive Studios
- InterActive Vision Games
- Interactives Pictures
- Interceptor
- Interchannel
- Interplay
- Inti Creates
- Introversion Software Limited
- Invictus Games Ltd
- InXile Entertainment
- Io Interactive
- Ion Storm
- Iosys
- Irem
- IRGurus
- Iron Galaxy Studios
- Iron Lore Entertainment
- Ironclad Games
- Irrational Games
- ISG Productions
- ITC, Inc.
- ITE Media
- Ivan Valeryevich Suvorov
- Ivolgamus
- iWin
- J-Wing
- J. Baguley
- J.P. Room
- Jack of All Games
- Jailed Games
- Jaleco
- James Software
- Jamsworks
- Jane's Combat Simulations
- Jankenteam
- Japan Art Media (JAM)
- Japan DataWorks
- Japan Media Programming
- Japan System Supply
- JapanStudio
- Jarhead Games
- Jaywalkers Interactive
- JB Gaming Inc.
- Jester Interactive
- Jestercraft
- Jet Black Games
- Joakim Sandberg
- Joindots
- Jorudan
- JoshProd
- JoWooD Productions
- Joy Van
- JoyMasher
- JoyOn
- Joysteak Studios
- Juice Games
- Junction Point
- Junglevision
- Jupiter
- Just Add Monsters
- Just Add Water
- Justice Rampage
- JV Games
- K2 LLC
- Kadokawa Games / Kadokawa Shoten ESP
- Kai Magazine
- Kaiko
- Kalisto Entertainment
- Kalypso
- Kamehan Studios
- Kaminari Games
- Kan's
- Kando Games
- Kaneko
- Kaolink
- Kaos Studios
- Kappa Games
- Karin Entertainment
- Katauri Interactive
- Kawada
- Kaze co Ltd.
- KeelWorks
- Keen Games
- Kemco
- Kevin Parker & Robin Chapman
- Key
- Khaos
- Kheops Studio
- Kid
- Kiel Entertainment
- Killer Game
- KING Art
- King of the Jungle
- King Records
- Kingformation
- Kingsoft GmbH
- Kirin entertainment
- Kite Games
- KMM Games
- Knight Technologies
- Knights of Bytes
- Knowledge Adventure
- KnowWonder
- Koalabs
- Kobi
- KOCH Media
- Kodansha
- Kodiak Interactive Software Studios
- Koei Tecmo Games
- Koga Game Factory
- Kogado Studio
- Kojima Productions
- Konami
- Kookie Soft
- Kool Kizz
- Koolhaus Games
- Koto
- Kouyousha
- Kraken Empire
- Kralizec
- Krisalis Software
- Kritzelkratz
- Krome Studios
- Kromos
- Kronos Digital Entertainment
- KT Racing
- Kuju Entertainment
- Kuma Computers
- Kumasan Team
- Kung Fu Games
- Kunos Simulazioni
- Kuusou Kagaku
- Kyle Thompson
- Kylotonn / KT Racing
- L3
- Lab Zero Games
- LABS Works
- Laconic Software
- Lancarse
- Land Ho!
- Lankhor
- Larian Studios
- Laser Beam
- Laser Soft
- Lay-Up
- Le Caillou
- Le Cartel Studio
- Le Cortex
- Leaf
- Leaping Lizard Software Inc.
- Left Field Games
- Legacy Interactive
- Leisure Genius
- Leland Corporation
- Lemon
- Lenar
- Level 9 Computing
- Level 91 Entertainment
- Level Up Labs
- Level-5
- Leviathan Games
- Lexis Numérique
- Lexoflux
- LG Electronics
- Licensed 4U
- Light Weight
- LightBox Interactive
- Lightning Fish
- Lillymo
- Limbic Entertainment
- Lince Works
- Lion Castle Entertainment
- Lion Entertainment
- Lionhead Studios
- Liquid Bit
- Liquid entertainment
- Liquid Games
- Little Chicken Game Company
- Little Worlds Studio
- LittleWitch
- Live Wire
- LiveMedia
- Lizardcube
- LK Avalon
- Llamasoft
- Lobotomy Software
- LocalThunk
- Locomalito
- Locomotive Corporation
- Locus
- Longman & Quantec
- Longtail Studios
- LookAtMyGame
- Looking Glass
- Looney Labs
- Loose Cannon Studios
- Lore Design Limited
- Lore Games
- Loriciel
- Lose
- Lost The Game Studios
- Lost Toys
- Lothlorien
- Lsp
- Lucas Learning Ltd
- LucasArts
- Lucasfilm Games
- Lucid Games
- Lucky Chicken
- Ludens Entertainement
- Ludopium GmbH
- Ludosity Interactive
- Lunar Ray Games
- Luxoflux
- M-Kai
- M2
- M2H
- M4 Limited
- Ma-ba
- MachineGames
- Mad Catz
- Mad Doc Software
- Mad Fellows Ltd
- Mad Monkey
- Maelstrom Games
- Magenta Software
- Mages Inc.
- Magic Design Studios
- Magic Pockets
- Magic Wand
- Magical Company Ltd. (Mahou)
- Magnet Interactive Studios
- Magnetic Fields
- Magnetic Relams
- Magnetic Scrolls
- Magnin & Associates
- Majesco Games
- Major Developments
- Make software
- Makee
- Malibu Games
- Manganga Team
- Manic Media
- Manley & Associates
- Map Japan
- Maple Powered Games
- Marble It Up
- Marionette
- Martech
- Marvelous Entertainment
- MASA Group
- Masaya
- Mass Creation
- Mass Media Inc.
- Massive Damage, Inc.
- Massive Development
- Massive Work Studio
- Mastertronic
- Masudaya
- Mate
- Matrix Software
- Matt Makes Games Inc.
- Mattel
- Max Design
- Max Entertainment
- Max Five
- Maximum Games
- Maxis
- MB
- MBA International
- Mc O'River
- Mebius
- Mechanic Arms
- Media Entertainment
- Media Molecule
- Media Rings
- Media Vision
- Media Works
- Mediaquest
- Mediascape
- Mediatonic
- Medioza
- Mega Cat Studios
- Megagon Industries
- MegaPixel Studio
- Megas
- Megatron
- Mekensleep
- Melbourne House
- Mercury Steam
- Mere Mortals Ltd.
- Merlin Magic Software
- Mesa Logic
- Metanet Software Inc.
- Metro
- Metronomik
- Metropolis Software
- Meyer/Glass Interactive
- MGM Interactive
- Michel Louvet
- Micro Application
- Micro Cabin
- Micro Forte
- Micro Power
- Micro Vision
- Micro World
- Microcomputer Games, Inc.
- Microids
- Micromania
- Micronet
- Micronics
- MicroProse Software
- Microsmiths
- Microsoft Game Studios
- Midas Interactive Entertainment
- MidBoss
- Midgar Studio
- Midnight City
- Midway
- Migami Games
- Mighty Rabbit Studios
- Mikael Tillander
- Mike Bithell
- Mike Burns
- Mikoishi Studios
- Mikro-Gen
- Milestone Inc.
- Milestone S.r.l.
- Milk Soft
- Milkstone Studios
- Millenium Interactive
- Millennium Kitchen
- Mimimi Productions
- Minato Giken
- Mindrec
- Minds Eye Productions
- Mindscape
- Mindware Studios
- Ministry of Broadcast Studios
- Miracle Designs
- Miracle Positive
- Mirage
- Mirrorsoft Ltd.
- Mistic Software
- Mistwalker
- Mitchell
- Mixed Bag
- Mizuki
- Mobile 21
- Mobius Entertainment
- Modern Storyteller
- Modus Studios
- Mojang
- Monkey Bar Games
- Monkey Punch
- Monochrome
- Monolith Production
- Monolyth Soft
- Monster Games
- Monte Cristo Multimedia
- Monumental Games
- Moon Studio
- Morgen Studios
- Morning Star Multimedia
- Morpheus
- Moss
- Most Wanted Entertainment
- Mothership Entertainment
- Motion Twin
- Motive Studios
- Motivetime Ltd
- Motorsport Games
- MP2 Games
- MPS Labs
- Mr Chip Software
- Mr. Micro Ltd.
- Mr. Nutz Studio
- Multimedia Intelligence Transfer
- MumboJumbo
- Murasame
- MuuMuu
- Mycom
- Mythic Entertainment
- Mythos Games
- N-Fusion
- N-space
- Nadeo
- Naguzatto
- Nakana
- Namco
- Namco Bandai Games
- NaNaOn-Sha
- Nape Games
- Naps Team
- Nathan
- Natsu System
- Natsume
- Naughty Dog
- Nautilus
- Navegante Entertainment
- Naxat Soft
- Nazca Corporation
- NCsoft
- Nec
- NEC Avenue
- NEC Interchannel
- Neko Entertainment
- Nekogumi
- Nemopolis
- neo Software
- NeocoreGames
- Neofid Studios
- Neon Giant
- Neon Studios
- Neonchimp Games
- Neopica
- NetherRealm Studios
- NetVillage
- Neutron Games GmbH
- Never Ending Soft Team
- Neverland
- Neversoft Entertainment
- NEW Corporation
- New Deal Productions
- New Horizon Studios
- New Level Software
- New World Computing
- Nex Entertainment
- Nexoft
- Next Level Games
- Next Wave Team
- Nextech
- Nextgrand LTD
- Nexton
- Nexus Interact
- NHK Software
- Nicalis
- Nice Ideas
- Nichibutsu (Nihon Bussan)
- Nifflas Games
- Night Dive Studios
- Night School Studio
- Nigoro
- Nihilistic
- Nihon Application Co., Ltd.
- Nihon create
- Nikitova Games
- Nine Dots Studio
- Ninelives
- Ninja Theory
- Nintendo
- Nintendo EAD
- NIS (Nippon Ichi Software)
- Nitrome
- Nitroplus
- Nival Interactive
- Nixxes
- NMS Software
- Nnooo
- No Brakes Games
- No Cliché
- No Company
- Noi
- Noio
- Noise
- Noise Factory
- Noisia
- Nokia
- Nomada Studio
- Nordcurrent
- Norsfell
- Nosebleed Interactive
- Nova Games Ltd.
- NovaLogic
- Novarama
- Novotrade
- Now Production
- Nu Generation Games
- Nucleosys
- Nuevo Retro Games
- NuFX, Inc.
- Numskull Games
- NUON-Dome
- Nurogames
- nWay
- Object Software Limited
- Obsidian Entertainment
- Ocean
- Oceanus Communications
- Ocellus Studio
- Odd Bug Studio
- Odd Meter
- Oddworld
- ODENIS Studio
- Office Create
- Office Koukan
- Oldergames
- Omega Force
- Omega Micott
- Omiya Soft
- One Hand Free Studios
- Ongakukan
- Onion Software
- Oniro Co.
- Open Sesame
- Open System
- Openbook
- Opera House
- Optimus Software
- Opus
- Orbital Studios
- Origin Systems
- Orion (Orion Soft)
- Orion Soft
- OSome Studio
- Otaboo
- Other Ocean Interactive
- Otomate
- OUAT Entertainment
- Outlaw Productions
- Outrage Entertainment
- Outright Games
- Outside
- Overkill
- OverPowered Team
- Overworks (SEGA AM7)
- Oxford Digital Enterprises Ltd.
- Oxygen Games
- P-Studio
- Pacific Coast Power & Light Co.
- Pacific softscape
- Pack-In-Video
- Page 44 Studios
- Painted Black Games
- Palace Software
- Palindrome
- Palmsoft
- Panasonic
- Panda entertainment technology
- Pandemic Studios
- Pandora Box
- Panic Button
- Panoramic
- Panther Software
- Paon Corporation
- Papaya Studio
- Paper Cult
- Papyrus Design Group
- Paradigm Entertainment
- Paradox Development
- Paragon 5
- Paragon Studios
- Parallax Software
- Param
- Paramount Pictures
- Parity Bit
- Park Place Productions
- Parker Brothers
- Parroty Interactive
- Particle Systems
- Pastagames
- Pathé Interactive
- Patra
- Paul Helman
- Pax Softnica
- Péndulo Studios
- Pegasus Japan
- Pelikan13
- Pendulo Studios
- Pentavision
- People Can Fly
- Perfect 10
- Perfect Entertainment
- Personal Software Services
- Peter G. Curtis
- Petoons Studio SL
- Petroglyph
- PF. Magic
- Phantagram
- Philips
- PHL Collective
- Phobia Game Studio
- Phoenix Interactive Entertainment
- Phosphor Games Studio, LLC
- Picorinne Soft
- PictureHouse
- Pigeon Dev Games
- Piko Interactive
- Pillow Castle Games
- Pioneer LDC
- Pionesoft
- Pipe Dreams Interactive
- Pipeworks Software
- PiranaKing
- Piranha Bytes
- Piranha Games
- Piranha Games (Macmillan)
- Pitbull Syndicate
- Pivotal Games
- Pixel Arts
- Pixel Games & Entertainment
- Pixel Heart Studio
- Pixel Lantern
- Pixel Opus
- Pixel Tales
- Pixel Technologies
- Pixel Titans
- PixelHive
- Pixelnest Studio
- pixelStorm Entertainment Studios
- Pixis Interactive
- Pixpil
- Planet (Laseractive)
- Planet Interactive
- Planet Moon
- Planet Nemo Productions
- Plate International
- PlatineDispositif
- Platinum Games
- Plato
- Plausible Concept
- Play It
- Playco
- Player 1
- Player Inc
- Players
- Playful Corp.
- Playground Games
- Playlogic
- PlayMagic Ltd
- Playtonic Games
- PM Studios
- Pocket Studios
- Point of View INC
- Polyarc
- Polygon Magic
- Polygram Video
- Polyphony Digital
- Pompom Software
- Pony Canyon
- Popcap Games
- Poppyworks
- PopTop Software
- Pow
- Powerhead Games
- Presage Software
- Press Play
- Presto Studios
- Prideful Sloth
- Princess Soft
- Private Moon Studios
- Probe Entertainment Limited
- Produce!
- Production Exabilities
- Programmers 3
- Prograph
- Progress
- Project Aces
- Project Soul
- Prolific
- Promotion Software
- Propaganda Games
- Prope
- Prospect Games
- Protocol Games
- Prototype
- Pseudo Interactive
- Psikyo
- Psion Software
- Psygnosis
- Psyonix
- Psyworks
- Publishing International
- Pugware
- Pukka Games
- Pulse
- Pumpkin Studios
- Punchline
- Purple Lamp Studios
- PuzzleKings
- Pygmy Studio
- Pyramid
- Pyro Studios
- Q Entertainment
- Q-Games
- Quantic Dream
- Quantum Factory
- QubicGames
- QUByte Interactive
- Quelle
- Quest
- Quickdraw Dev
- Quicksilver Software
- QuinRose
- Quintet
- Qute
- Racdym / Racjin
- RaceWard Studio
- Radarsoft
- Radiance
- Radical Entertainment
- Radical Plan
- Radon Labs
- Rage Software
- Rain Games
- Rainbite
- Rainbow Arts
- Rainbow Studios
- Rainy Frog
- Raising Hell
- Raizing (Eighting)
- Rake in Grass
- Rakish
- Ramjam Corporation
- Random Games
- Random House
- Rare (Rareware)
- Raredrop Games
- Raster
- Ratalaika Games
- Ratbag
- Ratloop Asia
- Raven Software
- Raw Thrills
- Ray Up
- Rayark
- Rayforce
- Raylight Studios
- Raymond E. Tobey, Inc.
- Razorback Developments
- RazorSoft
- Razorworks Studios
- Re-Logic
- Reactor
- ReadyAtDawn Studios
- Readysoft
- Real World Multimedia Ltd
- Reality Pump
- Realmforge Studios
- Realtime Associates Inc.
- Realtime Games Software
- Rebellion
- Reboot
- Recotechnology
- Red Barrels
- Red Blue Games
- RED Company / RED Entertainment
- Red Fly Studio
- Red Hook Studios
- Red Lemon
- Red Line Games
- Red Lynx
- Red Mountain
- Red Orb Entertainment
- Red Phantom Games
- Red Storm Entertainment
- Red Thread Games
- Red Tribe
- Redwood Shores Studio
- REEVEsoft
- Reflections
- Reflexive Entertainment
- Reindeer
- Related Designs
- Relentless Software
- Relic Entertainment
- Remedy
- Renegade Kid
- Repixel8
- Repro-Factory
- Rese Games
- Respawn Entertainment
- Retro Souls
- Retro Studios
- RetroRevolution
- Retroworks
- Revistronic
- Revival Studios
- Revolution
- Reward Studios
- RFX Interactive
- Rhino Studios
- Ricoh
- Ricpau Studios
- RideOn Japan
- Riedel Software Productions
- Right Stuff
- Ringler Studios
- Riot
- Riptide Games
- Rising Star Games Ltd
- Ritual Entertainment
- River Hill Software
- RMG Dentsu USA Inc.
- RnH Microtec
- ROBI Studios
- Robomodo
- Rocket Science Games
- Rocket-Engine Co.,Ltd.
- Rockstar
- Rocksteady Studios
- Rogue Entertainment
- Rokumendo
- Roll7
- Romstar
- Ronimo
- Ronin Entertainment
- Rotobee
- Route 1 Games
- Route24
- Rovio
- Rowan Software Ltd.
- RTL Interactive
- Ruffian Games
- Runecraft
- Runner Duck Games
- Running with Scissors
- S+F Software
- S.I.M.S.
- S.N.K.
- Saban Entertainment, Inc.
- Sabarasa Entertainment
- Saber Interactive
- Sabotage Studio
- Sachen
- Sacnoth
- Saffire Corporation
- Sage's Creation
- Sai-Mate
- Sales Curve Interactive
- Salio
- Salu Ltd.
- Sammy
- Sanai Enterprise
- Sancho
- Sanctuary Woods
- Sand Grain Studios
- Sandblast Games
- SandBloom Studio
- Sandbox Studios
- Sandcastle
- Sandlot
- Sanritsu
- Santa Claus
- Sanuk Games
- Sanyo
- Sanzaru Games
- Saru Brunei
- SaruPro
- SAS Sakata
- Sasha Darko
- Satur Entertainment
- Saurus
- Savage Entertainment
- Sbug Games
- Scarab
- ScareCrow
- SCI (Sales Curve Interactive / The Sales Curve / Storm)
- Scion Studios
- Screaming Villains
- Screenlife Games
- Sculptured Software, Inc.
- Secret Base
- Secret Item Games
- Secret Level Games
- Seed9
- Seedy Eye Software
- Sega Racing Studio
- Sega Rosso (SEGA AM5)
- SEGA Technical Institutte (STI)
- Segaman
- Seibu Kaihatsu
- Senile Team
- Sennari
- Sennari Interactive
- Sensible software
- Sensory Sweep Studios
- Serkan Bakar
- Seta
- Severn Software
- SFL Interactive
- Shaba Games
- SHADE Inc.
- Shangri-La
- Shar Rock
- Shared Memory
- Shen
- Shift
- Shin'en
- Shinko music
- Shinsei
- Shiny Entertainment
- Shiro Games
- Shoeisha
- Shogakukan Production
- Shouei System
- Shout! Designworks
- Show-Kikaku
- Sick Chicken Studios
- Sick Puppies Studio
- Sickhead Games
- Sidebar Games
- SideQuest Studios
- Sidhe Interactive
- Sieg
- Sierra
- Sigil Games Online
- Sigma Enterprises
- Sigtrap Games
- Sik
- Silent Software
- Silicon & Synapse
- Silicon Dreams
- Silicon Knights
- Silicon Studio
- Silmarils
- Silver Style Entertainment
- Silver Wish Games
- Silverback Entertainment
- Silverstar
- Silvertime Inc.
- Simbin
- Similis
- Simon Carny
- Simon Micro-Soft
- Sims
- SingleTrac
- Sinister Developments
- Sinister Games
- Sirius Games
- Sitia Entertainment
- Six by Nine
- Sixteen Tons Entertainment
- Size Five Games
- SJ Games
- Ska Studios
- Skip
- Skonec
- Sky Think Systems
- Skyworks
- Slam Productions
- Slant Six Games
- Sledgehammer Games
- Slightly Mad Studios
- Slippery Snake
- Slitherine
- Sloclap
- Smack Down Productions
- Smart Dog
- Smart Egg Software
- Smart Move
- Smilebit (SEGA AM6)
- Smoking Gun Productions
- Snap Dragon Games
- SNK / Playmore
- Snowblind
- Sobaka
- Sofel
- Sofix
- Soft Machine
- Soft Office
- Soft Vision International
- Softbank
- Softie
- Softmax
- Softstar Entertainment
- Softstone Ltd.
- Software Creations
- Software Heaven
- Software Projects Ltd.
- Software Toolworks
- Sokaikan
- Solar Software
- Soleil Ltd.
- Soliton
- SomaSim
- Sometimes You
- Somnium Games d.o.o.
- Sonalysts
- Songbird Productions
- Sonic Powered
- Sonic Team (SEGA AM8)
- Sonnet
- Sonnori
- Sony Computer Entertainment
- Sony Imagesoft
- Sony Interactive Entertainment
- Sony Music Entertainment
- Sony Online Entertainment
- Sonzai Games
- Sora Ltd.
- Source
- Source Research & Development
- South Paw Games
- SouthEnd Interactive
- Southlogic Studios
- Southpeak Interactive
- Spark Creative
- Spark Entertainment
- Spark Unlimited
- Spearhead
- Special FX Software Ltd.
- Spectrum Holobyte
- Spellbound
- Spellbound Entertainment Software
- Sphere Inc.
- Spicy Horse
- Spiders
- Spidersoft
- Spike
- Spike Chunsoft
- Spinnaker Software Corporation
- Spiral House
- Spirit of Discovery
- Spirit Software
- Splash Damage
- Sports Interactive Ltd.
- SPrites
- Sproing Interactive Media
- Squanch Games
- Square
- Square Enix
- Square Soft
- Squashy Software
- SSG (Strategic Studies Group)
- Stack
- Stainless Steel Studios
- Starbreeze
- Starcom
- Stardock
- Starfish
- Starlight Marry
- StarQuail
- Starsphere Interactive
- Starwave
- Statera Studio
- Steel Mantis
- Steel Monkeys
- Stellar Entertainment Software Ltd
- Sterling Silver Software
- Stern
- Stillalive studios
- Sting
- Stoic Studio
- Stone Lantern Games
- Stormfront Studios
- StormRegion
- Storybird
- Strange Fire
- Strangelite
- Strass Productions
- Strategy First
- Streum On Studio
- Studio 33
- Studio 3DO
- Studio Aurum
- Studio Camden
- Studio E
- Studio Gigante
- Studio MDHR
- Studio Nanafushi
- Studio Saizensen
- Studio Thunderhorse
- Studio Vetea
- Studio Vex
- Studio Zero
- Styvox
- Sublogic
- Success
- Sucker Punch
- Sugar & Rockets
- Sukeban Games
- Sumo Digital
- Sun Amusement
- Sunflowers
- Sunrise Interactive
- Sunsoft
- Super Fighter Team
- Super X Studios
- SuperBot Entertainment
- Supergiant Games
- SuperHot Team
- Superior Quality Software
- SuperMassive Games
- SuperScarySnakes
- Supersoft
- Supersonic Software
- SuperVillain Studios
- Surreal Software
- Survios
- Sushi Typhoon Games
- Suzak
- Suzaku
- Sweets
- Swingin' Ape Studios
- Swordfish Studios
- Symbio
- syn Sophia
- Synapse Software
- Synergistic Software
- Synergy, Inc.
- Synetic
- SynSoft
- Synthetic Dimensions
- Syrox Developements
- Syscom
- System 3
- System Sacom
- System Supply N-Tech
- System Vision
- SystemSoft
- T E N Institute
- T&E Soft
- T3 Entertainment
- Tabot, Inc.
- Tachyon Inc.,
- Taïto
- Takara
- Take-Two Interactive
- Takeru
- Takeya
- Takumi
- Takuyo
- Taleworlds Entertainment
- Talpa Games
- Tammeka Games
- Tamsoft Corporation
- TamTam
- Tamtex
- Tango Gameworks
- Taniko
- Tantalus Interactive
- Tantatus
- Tanuki Creative Studios
- Tarantula Studios
- Tarsier Studios
- Tate Interactive
- Tate Multimedia
- Tatsumi Electronics Co.
- Tatsunoko Production
- Taxan
- TDK Core
- Team 17
- Team 6
- Team Andromeda
- Team Bioteckers
- Team Blaze
- Team Bondi
- Team Bughouse
- Team Cherry
- Team Ladybug
- Team Meat
- Team Mental Care
- Team Ninja
- Team Salvato
- Team Soho
- Team Tachyon
- Team6 Game Studios
- Techland
- Technical Wave
- Techno Soft
- Techno Soleil
- Technopop
- Technos
- Tecmagik
- Tecmo
- Tecmo Koei
- TecToy
- Teeny Weeny Games
- Teichiku
- Teku Studios
- Telegames
- Telenet
- Telltales Games
- Telstar Electronic Studios
- Tempest
- Tengen
- Tenky
- Tenyo
- Teque Interactive
- Tequila Works
- Terminal Reality
- TerraGlyph
- Terratools
- Terrible Posture Games
- Terrible Toybox, Inc.
- Tetragon
- Teyon
- Thalion
- ThatGameCompany
- The 8th Day
- The Adventure Company
- The Arcade Crew
- The Assembly Line
- The Balance Inc.
- The Behemoth
- The Bitmap Brothers
- The Code Monkeys
- The Collective
- The Digital Lounge
- The Edge
- The Farm 51
- The Fizz Factor
- The Game Atelier
- The Game Bakers
- The Game Kitchen
- The Gentlebros
- The Kremlin
- The Logic Factory
- The Men Who Wear Many Hats
- The Mojon Twins
- The Molasses Flood
- The Neverhood
- The Power House
- The Shaw Brothers
- The Tangentlemen
- The Tetris Company
- The Tolberts
- The Vision Factory / SPC Vision
- The Whole Experience, Inc.
- Thin Chen Enterprises
- Thing Trunk
- Think and Feel
- Third Spirit
- Three Rings Inc.
- Three-Sixty Pacific
- Tiertex Design Studios
- Tiger
- Tiger Hill
- Tigervision
- Tigon
- Tigress Marketing
- Time Warner Interactive
- Time Warp
- TimeGate Studios
- TimeTop
- Tirnanog
- Titus
- Toaplan
- tobyfox
- Toge Productions
- Toho
- Toka
- Tokuma Intermedia
- Tokyo Electron
- Tokyo RPG Factory
- Tom Create
- Tom Happ Games LLC
- Tom Zoutewelle Media Productions
- Tomahawk
- Tomcat System
- Tomy
- Tonika Games
- Tonkin House
- Too Kyo Games
- TOPHEAVY Studios
- Tortuga Team
- Torus Games
- TOSE Software
- Totally Games
- ToTek
- Totem Studio
- Tototek
- Touchstone
- Toylogic Inc.
- Toyo Records
- Toys for Bob
- Tozai Games
- Tradewest
- Tragnarion Studios
- Tranji Studios
- Transhuman Design
- Transmission Games
- Transpegasus
- Traveller's Tales
- Treasure
- Treco
- Tremor Entertainment
- Treva Entertainment
- Treyarch
- Tri-Ace
- Tri-Crescendo
- Triangle Service
- Triangle Studios
- Tribeca Digital Studios
- Tribute Games
- Trickstar Games
- Trilobyte
- Trion Worlds
- Trip Media
- Trips
- Triptychon
- Tripwire Interactive
- Triumph International
- Triumph Studios
- Triverske
- Troika Games
- Tron Software
- Tsukuda Original
- TT Games
- Tuque Games
- Turbine
- Turn 10
- Turtle Rock Studios
- Twelve Interactive
- Twilight
- Twilight Zone Software
- Twin Hearts
- Twisted Pixel Games
- Two Point Studios
- Two Tribes
- Tynesoft
- Typhoon Games
- U-Play Studios
- U.S. Gold
- Ubi Soft
- UEP Systems
- UGA (United Game Artists)
- UIG Entertainment
- Ukiyotei
- Ultimate Play the Game
- Ultimate productions
- Undercoders
- Unepic Fran
- Unexpected Development
- Uni Post
- Unipacc
- Unique Developpement Studios
- United Front Games
- United Game Artists (SEGA AM9)
- Universal city studios
- Universal Studios
- Unknown Worlds
- Unlimited Software Inc.
- Upstar
- Use
- V5 Play Studio
- Valhalla Game Studios
- Valkieser Multi Media
- Valve
- Vanguard
- Vanillaware
- Vanpool
- Vantan International
- Varie Corporation
- Varsav Game Studios
- Vaughan Dow
- Vblank Entertainment
- VCC Entertainment
- Vectordean
- Vektor
- Velan Studios
- Velez & Dubail
- Venom Games
- Venture Line, Inc.
- Verant Interactive
- Versus Evil
- Vertex Multimedia
- Viacom New Media
- Vial One
- Vic Tokai
- Vicarious Visions
- Viccom
- Vicious Cycle
- Victor
- Video Software Specialists
- Video System
- VideoactV
- Vigil Games
- Villa Gorilla
- Ving
- Vingt-et-un Systems
- Virgin Interactive
- Virgin Mastertronic
- Virtual Playground
- Virtual Spaghetti
- Virtual Studio
- Virtual Toys
- Virtucraft
- Virtuos
- VIS Entertainment
- Visceral Games
- Visco
- Vision Park AB
- Vision Scape
- Vision Software
- Vision Works
- Visionary Media
- Visit
- Visiware
- Vistec
- Visual Concepts
- Visual Impact Productions
- Visual Sciences
- Vivarium
- Vivid Helix
- Vivid Image
- Vivid Interactive
- Volatile
- Volcanicc
- Volition
- VooFoo Studios
- Voxler
- VR Sports
- VTech
- Wales Interactive
- Walking Circles
- Wanderlust Interactive
- War Drum Studios
- Warashi
- Warhorse Studios
- Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
- Warp
- Warthog
- Watara
- WaterMelon
- WaveQuest
- WayForward Technologies
- We Create Stuff
- Weappy Studio
- Webfoot
- Well Played Games
- Western Technologies
- Westka Interactive
- Westone
- Westwood Studios
- White Birds
- White Paper Games
- White Park Bay Software
- White Rabbit Interactive
- White Wolf Productions
- WhiteMoon Dreams
- Whoopee Camp
- Wicked Witch Software
- Wide Games
- Wide Right Interactive
- Wideload Games
- WideScreen Games
- Wildcard
- Wildfire Studios
- Wildsphere
- WildTangent
- Williams Entertainment Inc.
- Winds
- Winkysoft
- Winter Wolves
- Wisdom Tree
- WizarBox
- WJS Design
- Wolf Brew Games
- Wolfteam
- Wonder amusement Studio
- Wonderboy Bobi
- Working Designs
- WorkJam Co.
- WOW Entertainment (SEGA AM1)
- X-Plus
- X-Ray Interactive
- Xaloc Studios
- Xantera
- Xanth Software
- Xatrix Entertainment
- Xen Games
- Xider
- Xilam
- XING Entertainment
- Xixo Games Studio
- Xonox
- XPEC Entertainment
- Xpiral
- XR Games
- XS Games
- Xuse
- Yacht Club Games
- Yager
- Yakuza Studio
- Yanoman
- Yedang
- Yeo
- Yosemite Entertainment
- Yoshidayama Workshop
- Yoshimoto Kogyo
- Young Horses
- Ys Net
- Yuan Works
- Yuke's Media Creation
- Yuki Enterprise
- Yukito Products
- Yumedia
- Yumekobo
- Yutaka
- Z-Axis
- Z-Software GmbH
- Za/Um
- Zamuse
- Zeal
- Zeboyd Games
- Zed Two Limited
- Zen Studios
- Zener Works
- ZeniMax Media
- Zeppelin Games
- Zerouno Games
- ZigZag Island
- Zindagi Games
- Zipper Interactive
- Zoe Mode
- Zoink!
- Zombie Studios
- Zono Inc
- Zoo Corporation
- Zoo Digital Publishing
- Zoo Games
- Zoom
- Zoonami Ltd.
- ZootFly
- ZSlide
- Zyrinx